Monday 12 May 2014

The Amazing Race

This Friday we plan to go to Hamilton Lake for our Amazing Race activities. We need consent forms, health forms and $5.00 from every student. Please, please get on to this quickly or we will have to leave many students behind with one of our teachers.  This would be such a shame as it is great fun and excellent for team building!

Thanks to everyone who returned the camp forms and deposits by the due date of 17 April. We really appreciate the effort you made to meet the deadlines as this really helps our planning. 

All $50.00 deposits must be in by Friday of Week 6 of this term. Students who have not paid by then will not be included in the final numbers. The full $200 fee will be due before the end of term, as we have many costs to cover before we even leave the school. 

Thanks for supporting with this!

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