Parent helpers letter (See student letter below)
30th June
parent helpers
you for your offer to support during our camp in Week 1, of Term 3 from
Wednesday 23rd July – Friday 25th July. My apologies for
not making it clear in our last correspondence that we were gratefully
accepting your offer.
to my recent absence from school we have been unable to hold a parent camp
meeting, however the following information should give you enough understanding
of what your responsibilities will be while we are away.
the day we leave, please be at school by 8.00 am. You will be issued with a
booklet that clearly outlines the students in your group, any health,
nutrition, learning or behaviour conditions they may have; contact numbers of
both students’ parents and the parents and teachers at the camp; and your
groups’ programme outline.
students will be split into six groups of approximately 10 -11 children. There
will be 2 adults responsible for each group. I have hired a caterer to do the
majority of the cooking, so each group will only have cleaning or breakfast
the Wednesday and Thursday we will undertake activities at the camp and on
Thursday night we will go to Waiwera Hot pools for the evening. On Friday we will
go to MOTAT for the day. To ensure students get enough time there, we will leave
for home at about 3.00pm so will not be back in Hamilton until 4.30pm-4.45pm.
am still in the process of working out how many cars we will need to take, so I
will contact you directly in the second week of the holidays to confirm whether
we need you to transport students. If so, a $100.00 petrol voucher will be
issued on the Tuesday. I will also need to sight your license, warrant and
registration on either the Monday or Tuesday before we leave.
you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me either by
emailing or leaving a message at
school, phone 8475014 ext 210. I will check phone messages in the second week
of the holidays.
Handley – Rimu Team Leader
Student newsletter
30th June 2014
Parents, Caregivers and Whanau,
can hardly believe that it is the final week of Term 2. After the holidays we
will be straight into camp preparation, as we leave in Week 1, from Wednesday
23rd – Friday 25th July. Thank you to all the families
who have paid their camp fees. Please
aim to make the final payments by the end of this week. For those of you
who may need a little extra time to finalise this, the school office should be
open at times during the holidays.
Before leaving, students must have
paid in full, or if you have set up time payments, over $100 must have been
week I contacted the camp and gave them an estimate of our numbers therefore,
any major changes will have an impact on the budget. Please if your situation
changes, email me at or leave me a message on 8475014 ext
210. I will get back to you in the
second week of the holidays.
save costs we have opted for some of the parent helpers to take their private
car rather than hire another bus which would be ¾ empty. If you do NOT want your child to travel by
private car, please fill in the form below. * ( We will make sure they
travel in the bus.)
is a gear list. This is also on our team blog at . On the Wednesday that we leave all students will
need to have a cut lunch (not money
as we will not have access to a shop). We would also appreciate every student
providing a donation of either fruit or
biscuits, for morning and afternoon teas. These can be brought to school on
either Tuesday 22nd of July or the Wednesday morning that we leave.
students should be at school by 8.15 am
on Wednesday 23 July. We aim to
leave at 8.30 am. Being on time shows
organisation and respect for others. If we have to wait for latecomers, we
will arrive at our destination later in the day and have less time for
will return between 4.30 and 4.45 pm on
Friday. Please be at school waiting for your student, so we can all head
home quickly for a rest!
These are the contact numbers for the camp.
Sir Peter Blake Marine
Education Centre
1045 Beach Rd, Long Bay,
North Shore
Ph. (09) 473 0714
Fax. (09) 473 1945
hope everyone has a wonderful break and that our students come back refreshed and
relaxed for another busy term.
Handley – Rimu Team Leader
do not wish my child __________________________________
of Room ___________ to
travel by private car.
signature ________________________________________________________
Friday 23rd May 2014
Dear families,
Thank you for your deposit to confirm your child’s
participation in our E.O.T.C experience at the start of Term 3.
In week 6 of this term, I have to pay the full
camp fee for all students attending. We will need another $50 payment by this
date, to ensure we can cover this and confirm your child’s place at camp.
The full payment of $200, ideally needs to be paid
by the end of this term. Because we leave on the Wednesday of the first week of
Term 3, it will be extremely difficult to add or remove students from our list
after the end of this term.
Our fees have been tightly budgeted to meet camp
expenses. There will be nothing extra to pay for students who haven’t paid, so
your support with prompt payments is very important.
Those on automatic payments do not need to worry,
as your fees will be paid in full through your repayments.
Shortly we will add the gear list to our Rimu Team
blog, which you can find at
. The medical form will also be on the blog. If your child’s form has not already been
completed and returned to school, please do this immediately.
This is extremely important as without an up to
date medical form the students will not be able to attend camp.
If you have any questions, or would like to
discuss other options, please contact me directly as often we can find a
Have a great weekend.
Kind regards
Karen Handley – Rimu Team Leader
Rimu Team
Camp Newsletter 1
31st March 2014
is the first of several newsletters that will keep you informed and updated
about camp.
year we will be attending E.O.T.C camp in Week 1 of Term 3 from Wednesday 23rd
– Friday 25th July. We are going to the Sir Peter Blake Marine
Education and Recreation Centre in Long Bay, Auckland.
aim is for the students to experience a variety of team building and
communication activities, learn how to sail, and undertake bush safety and
navigation. We will also spend an evening at Waiwera Hot Pools, and on the
Friday, we will spend the day at MOTAT exploring the amazing advances in technology
over the past 50-80 years.
will travel by bus to and from the camp, however, to keep costs down several
parents attending camp with us, will also be transporting students. There will
be a further newsletter to gain approval for individual students to travel by
cost of this experience is $200.00 per student. An initial $50.00 deposit will be required by the end of this term, Thursday 17th April. If you
have a direct credit please let the office know that you would like this
deposit transferred to the Rimu team camp fund.
your financial circumstances mean your child may not be able to attend camp,
please let either me or your child’s teacher know. We can sometimes find a
solution to this.
fill in the form below and return to your child’s teacher by Friday this week.
If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact me.
Karen Handley – Rimu Team Leader
child __________________________________________of Room _______________________
/ will not be attending Rimu Team’s Camp
Parent signature
________________________________________________ (adult’s name)
Name and Room __________________________________
like to be considered as an adult helper to support Rimu Team EOTC experience.
I am/am not able to provide transport for __________ children. (All vehicles
will need a WOF, registration and working seatbelts for all passengers.)
caregivers/ whanau,
are at the end of Week 2. Where has the time gone?
to everyone who attended our pool evening. We met several new families and
really look forward to working with you and your child.
also to those of you who are supporting your children to be organised learners,
so they wear full correct uniform and bring togs and PE gear on Mondays,
Thursdays and Fridays. They also need PE gear for Dance/ Drama tech and
interclass sports games. Some Year 8 children are without PE gear and this will
need to be replaced. If it is named in two places – one obvious and one not
obvious - and only ever left in the classroom, it should be safe from
theft. Classes are locked when we are
not here.
truly appreciate the effort you have made to provide students with their
stationery. We realise this is an expense, however the students need their
stationery for learning. Those who do not have it are now falling behind with
organising books and journals. We have provided some stationery for these
students to get them started, but it is now urgently required. Sales will soon
be over and stationery will become much more expensive.
Monday this week we welcomed Sheree Julian into our team. Due to roll growth at
the school it was decided to add a class and Sheree has now found herself here!
She has many skills to offer and will be an asset to our team and school.
remember to start those automatic payments for camp. $10 weekly will see the
cost paid off before we go. A number of students missed out last year and we
would really love to see them go this time. Camps provide opportunities to
spend time with friends developing team work and confidence doing things many
children would never get the chance to do otherwise. We will also be calling
for adult help with these, and can promise a busy, enjoyable few days!
have two blog sites up and running at the moment. They are and . We are trying to keep these up to date for
you with newsletters and news about the class and team. Please keep an eye on
one or both sites. In due course Rooms 10 and 17 are likely to have their own
blogs too.
your child is feeling unsettled or you have any concerns about their learning,
please keep in touch. Likewise, if there are family worries which may be
upsetting your child please let us know. Sometimes children behave out of
character and we find out the families are dealing with sick relatives etc. If
we know there are difficulties, we will be ready to offer support.
setting conferences are coming up in early March. They are an opportunity to
find out how your child has settled into 2014, and assist in setting learning
goals. We look forward to meeting more families then.
you wish to contact us at any time, our email addresses are:
Handley, Diana Bird and Sheree Julian.
Rimu Team Newsletter Term One – Monday 3rd February 2014
We extend a warm welcome to
all students of Rimu team for 2014. We
hope you have enjoyed the Christmas break and returned rested and enthusiastic
to start the New Year. Rimu is a wonderful team where your child can develop
the necessary skills and attitudes to ensure consistent progress, show positive
citizenship and enjoy a successful transition to high school.
At Maeroa we pride
ourselves on the positive way our students conduct themselves in a range of
public situations. Part of this is how they present themselves in their
uniform. It is important that students know our uniform policy and are
correctly dressed at all times. If this becomes a problem, please discuss this
with the class teacher or alternatively, send a note.
Please support us by
ensuring that unnecessary jewellery and nail polish is removed after the
weekends. A reminder that canvas
shoes are not acceptable. They will, in the first instance, be removed at the
start of school and returned to your child at the end of the day, with a letter
sent home. If your child persists in wearing these, they will be removed and
you will be required to collect them. This is a health and safety regulation
and our uniform policy.
Maeroa has many
extracurricular activities offered. Please encourage your child to make the
most of their time here and take up these challenges. It is critical that once
your child has committed to being part of a team they turn up to practices and
games. If practice time is in school hours, we will support your student, so
they can attend. If games or practices are after school we would appreciate
your support in ensuring your child attends regularly, as if they do not, they will
be letting down their whole team.
We have high expectations
of our students in Rimu Team and know that every child has the ability to do
their best at all times. With this in mind, it is important your child is at
school before the 8.35 am bell. This gives them time to get organised
for their learning. If your child has an appointment, or will be late, please
ring the school or send a note. All students who leave the school need to sign
out at the office.
Parent/Whanau Picnic Dinner Evening
Next Tuesday 11th
February 5:30 – 7:00pm, we will be holding an informal meet the team evening.
This will be held at the school pool where you will have the opportunity to ask
questions and meet your child’s teacher and the rest of the team, in a relaxed,
informal situation. Please bring your family, togs for those who would like a
swim, and a picnic dinner for your family to share. This is an excellent
occasion to share in your child’s learning and find out about the opportunities
available, particularly in this first term.
To ensure a great start to
the year, we need all students to have their stationery organised by the end of
this week. Thank you to the many parents/ caregivers that have already done
this. If you are having difficulty with this, please do not hesitate to let us
know, as a solution can usually be found.
Swimming / P.E
We started our swimming /
P.E today. It was great to see many students displaying our cornerstone of
being an organised learner by bringing their togs and P.E gear. Swimming is a
compulsory part of our curriculum and all students are expected to
participate. If they can’t, a signed and
dated note is required. For ongoing medical issues, a doctor’s note is
required. At Maeroa we have a P.E
uniform which all students are required to wear. Our Swimming and P.E days are Monday,
Thursday and Friday, and it is essential that students bring the required
uniform. However, your child will occasionally be given opportunities to swim
at lunchtime and participate in a range of physical
activity, so it would be a great idea if they got into the habit of bringing
both every day.
E.O.T.C this year, has been
programmed in to take place in week one of term 3, July 23rd – 25th.
This year we will be attending the Sir Peter Blake Marine and Research Centre
in Auckland. The focus for this year’s camp is around building team work and
communication skills. However, we highly recommend that you set up a direct payment
to the school of $10.00 per week, as this usually covers all expenses,
including EOTC, school fees and sport payments throughout the year. More
information will be sent out confirming pricing.
Once again welcome, please
feel free at any time to contact your class teacher if you have any queries.
Rimu Team
Karen Handley Rm17
Diana Bird Rm18
Is Room 17's blog available to look at yet? I can't find any links for it on the Team Rimu blog, or school website.